
Admission Process

  • Fill out the Admissions Form.
  • Fill out Psychopedagogical report.
  • Bring Recommendation Form (PK-K)
  • Take and pass admission exam (Preschoolers – Kinder)
  • Interview with the ELC Director (Parents and student)
  • Make an appointment with the Admissions Department
  • Submit the following documents
    (Enrollment will be official upon receipt of all documents)


  • Birth certificate.
  • Recent picture of the student.
  • Hearing test. (just for Prekinder and Kinder)
  • Vision test. (just for Prekinder and Kinder)
  • Health certificate.
  • Immunization Record.
  • Blood type certification.

**Report card from previous school.  (The student must bring this document along with the enrollment form on the day in which he/she will take the admission test).

**Personal Code by the MINEDUC (only for students in Guatemalan Schools)

**A solvency letter from the previous school (2). (Parents must bring a temporary solvency letter during the enrollment procedure; the annual solvency letter  must be brought by January)


a. Photocopy of the “DPI (Documento de Identificación Personal” of each parent, or passport if they are not Guatemalan citizens. (If the person responsible for the student’s account is not the same as the parent, a photocopy of the above information is needed).

  1. Sign service contract between parents and Decroly Americano.
  2. Sign service contract between parents and Penta, S.A.
  3. Pay enrollment fees and first installment of tuition fees to Decroly Americano School.
  4. Pay instructional material to Penta, S.A.

NOTE:  If you have any questions, contact the Admissions Department.